The Wonder of Life’s Essence, By LINDA ASIMOLE ELLAH

are you a learner?

“The real essence of our lifetime lies in the time of our lives”
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Have you ever felt awed at the reality of your existence?
Do you see this period of your life as a long or short one?
Have you ever taken time to reflect on the meaning of life? 

It is so easy to get lost in daily concerns of food, clothing, shelter, needs, wants, education, career, family, relationships, health, politics, global matters and what others would say.  With this, one may forget to reflect on the wonder of our “being” and on the reality of how short life is. Within this context, even 120 years of age still points to a short life on earth.

The feeling of wonder at our being begins with the questions, “How did I come to be?” Besides the biological explanations, “What power/force is exactly behind my coming into ‘being’?” “Did I create myself or bring myself into ‘being’?” Irrespective of one’s belief, lack of belief, or one’s religion, be it Candomblé, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Judaism, Mormonism, Paganism, Rastafari, Santeria, Shinto, Sikhism, Spiritualism, Taoism, Unitarianism, or Zoroastrianism, would any person make a claim that s/he created him/herself? There, lies the wonder!

“The real you is not you, the real you is what is within you. What is behind your joy or your melancholy. What gives you the reason to ponder. What moves or stops you. What makes you you is you.”
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

In a normal human mind, a marvel at the wonder of one’s being is expected at some point in one’s thought about life. Any human being who has never marvelled at the wonder of our being, may indeed need some help, even more so if he/she thinks that they created themselves and all that is around them.

Truly acknowledging the “wonder” of one’s existence also goes with the feeling of “awe” (reverence and amazement!). This requires an ability to have quiet moments, in contemplation and self-awareness. Is it possible that there are individuals who never get to be in touch with themselves in this way? There is need to just “be” and not all the time “doing”.

In a world filled with so much noise, worries and distractions, so many external realities make us lose and forget ourselves; no quiet moments, no time to think and reflect on life and on our “being”, no time to look at and just be with nature.  No, we are always on the run, chasing after shadows that eventually are finite, with temporary pleasure and satisfaction and lead nowhere.

“Think of something, Oh yes! Think of something. Your life must not be in retardation so think of something! Think of growth for that is the whole essence of life!” ― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

The feeling of “wonder” and “awe” naturally comes with the feeling of gratitude and appreciation. When something is seen as wonderful and awesome, then thanksgiving follows. The psalmist says, “I thank you Lord for the wonder of my being, for the wonder of all your creation” (139:14). Irrespective of one’s belief, lack of belief or religion, this sense of gratitude to some power would flow out of the feeling of wonder and awe.

The popular musician, Celine Dion, jubilantly and enthusiastically gave a song to the world, singing “I’m Alive!” She sang: “When you call on me, when I hear you breathe, I get wings to fly, I feel that I’m alive! When you look at me, I can touch the sky, I know that I’m alive!” The Canadian singer is thrilled that she is alive; glad at the privilege to love and be loved in return. You are alive even though many are dying every day!

A wonder about one’s existence leads a person to question, “What is the essence of life – living?” Different people will respond differently depending on their understanding and perception of their own life and the world around them. Why do I live? Why do I exist and for what purpose? These are questions we need to ask ourselves from time to time.

Lots of factors influence one’s existence and choices in life, but then the response to these questions need to come from within one’s self. If this is not so, then perhaps, one may have lost touch with one’s inner and true self, and is rather taken over by either materialism, quest for power, mundane concerns, ideologies, religious extremism, and/or other external causes.

“The essence of life isn’t just to survive, but to also introduce your life to a very meaningful positive purpose.” ― Edmond Mbiaka

Looking at society, we seem to have largely lost the “essence of life”. Anyway, who dares define the “essence of life” in such a diverse world where virtually everything is relative? Who can dare define the “essence of being” as though it were an ‘umbrella response’ for all human beings? Or maybe it can. Nonetheless, each person would likely define their essence in some way as they best understand it to be.

If you ask someone involved in terrorism, crime, fraud, or some cruel acts what they think the essence of their life is, the person may likely not be proud of what they are doing. At most, they may want to justify their action, certainly from a position of some mental state, brainwashed over time or psychologically disturbed.

Our existence has meaning socially to the extent that we contribute positively to society. Were you born or created to cause terror, loot, destroy, defraud, kill, abuse, harm, commit crimes and cause problems in your family and to society? Who indeed would respond “Yes” to this question? Yet, the reality is that some persons’ lives have said a big “yes” to this question.

“The real value of money is never the value of money but the value money can acquire. The real value of our lives is not just the value of our lives but, the distinctive value our lives can build in the end!”
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

What does one have to offer/contribute to society? As much as you seek out your survival, some vital questions to be answered are, “What are you bringing to society as an individual walking on the surface of this earth?” Where do you fit in society? Will your money always save you? What skill, talent, knowledge, profession are you good at that in essence gives your social life its meaning?

Paint a scenario, not far from reality, whereby a person has become so engrossed in greed, corruption, fraud and looting, such that that becomes all s/he spends his/her days and years doing. Even seeming good works become a camouflage to cover up or maybe make up for the greed, corrupt practices and looting of resources meant for the common good. You may not realise how many people live their lives in this way.

“A great difference between the womb and the tomb is the w and the t! We waste great and precious time as we journey from the womb to the tomb; in the end we shall remember the w and the t! Hmm! The wasted time!”
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

No one is a saint or is blameless, but how do you set out (purposely) to live a life without morals and integrity, and it gives you your daily bread? Will such bread sustain you forever?

Wonder leads to awe, awe leads to thanksgiving, which then leads to the conscious awareness that no one lives forever. The shortness of the human life is a reality. No one lives forever, be you Christian, pagan, atheist, Hindu, Muslim, Shona, Igbo, Kamba, Afemai, Kikuyu, Kanuri, Yoruba, Ibibio, Tiv, Giriama, Hausa, Bishop, President, Pastor, Governor and so on. You would not be alive beyond 120 years of age.

One thing you can do freely as often as you can is, pause, relax your body and look up into the sky. Focus on the clouds and watch them in their beauty. This may help you re-focus your mind on the vastness of the universe, the uniqueness of your being and on the shortness of life. You will also find some reason to be grateful.

Again, the psalmist says, “Help us Lord to know the shortness of life that we may gain wisdom of heart” (90:12). Of course, everyone knows that life is short, but acknowledging that reality consciously through our way of life, is another story. When we can “number our days”, then we strive to live a better life so as to leave a positive legacy behind us and truly define our reason for being.

“The entire life we have has it’s real meaning in giving! He who least knows the real value of giving that can leave a distinctive footprint least knows what the essence of life is about”
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Together We Can… Make Life’s Essence about Loving & Giving!
So what YOU DO… as an Individual Matters!

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