Exactly 59 years ago, January 15, 1966, a bloody military coup took place in Nigeria, our beloved fatherland, that claimed the lives of several prominent Northern and National leaders who were key figures in Nigeria’s political and military leadership. Today, January 15, the League of Northern Democrats remembers in spirit and in purpose these our noble leaders, both civilians and soldiers, who fell victim to the tragic events of the 1966 dastardly coup.
These Northern and National victims were the architects of a young and hopeful nation, visionaries who stood as pillars of unity, integrity and purpose. Their lives, abruptly and cruelly cut short, remind us of the fragility of leadership and the profound cost of national discord.
In particular, we remember Sir Ahmadu Bello, whose wisdom and courage laid the foundation for a prosperous Northern Nigeria, and Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, the Golden Voice of Africa, whose diplomacy and humility inspired us in the North and the Nation. To the brave military officers and committed public servants, both Muslims and Christians, who fell with them, LND owes a debt of eternal gratitude.
These leaders were our heroes who paid the ultimate price in their service to the North and to Nigeria. Their loss was a turning point in both our regional and national history, leading to a series of military interventions, civil war and deepening national divisions.
For us in the LND, their sacrifices are solemnly acknowledged as their past labours shall never be in vain. Their legacy will endure in the ideals of unity, justice and progress and shall continue to guide our aspirations, ambitions and actions. We pray that their spirits find peace, and their sacrifices continue to inspire us to strive for the North and Nigeria as they envisioned in their lifetime – a North and Nation bound in freedom, prosperity, progress, peace, mutual respect, equity, fear of God and unity.
Almighty God, Creator and Sustainer of all nations, we raise our hands up onto You today with heavy hearts, remembering the sorrow of January 15, 1966, when violence shattered our unity and robbed us of our great leaders. We humbly seek Your divine forgiveness for the bloodshed and division that scarred our land. Grant eternal rest to the souls of those who perished and comfort to the families and communities left behind. May their sacrifice serve as a solemn reminder of the importance of peace, dialogue and reconciliation in our land.
Oh God Almighty, we beseech You to protect the North and Nigeria from the recurrence of such tragedy. Replace division with unity, hatred with love and despair with hope. Instill wisdom and humility in our leaders and courage in our citizens to rise above selfish interests for the common good. May we, as a people, learn from the past and build a future of harmony, justice and progress. Let the light of peace shine perpetually onto the North and our nation and guide us in our quest for greatness.
May the League of Northern Democrats continue to work tirelessly for a peaceful and united North and Nigeria, ensuring that such tragic events are never repeated in our history. Ameen.
*Dr. Ladan Salihu*
(Spokesman, League of Northern Democrats)